牛肝菌 30 克
紅蘿蔔 1-2 條 (視乎大小)
粟米 一條
淮山 4-6 片
雜豆 半碗 (雲豆、紅腰豆、花生、眉豆、腰果)
- 牛肝菌沖洗後用熱水蓋面浸泡半小時,撈起菌放入另一碗內加清水,用手或筷子打轉退沙後清洗乾淨,剪掉少許硬腳。留起泡菌水備用。
- 淮山、雜豆洗乾淨後浸泡1-2小時。
- 紅蘿蔔、粟米洗乾淨後切環塊,陳皮略浸清洗。
- 清水六碗,加入濾沙後的泡菌水,連同所有洗乾淨後的材料一起大火煮,滾後轉中小火煲2小時,加鹽試味即可。
Carrot and Sweet Corn Soup with Porcini Mushrooms
Ingredients: (serves 4-6)
30g porcini mushrooms
1-2 carrot(s) (depends on the size)
1 ear of corn
4-6 slices of yam
1 piece of aged dried tangerine peel
1/2 bowl of mixed beans (white kidney beans, red kidney beans, peanuts, black-eyed peas and cashew nuts)
- Rinse and soak the porcini mushrooms in hot water for half an hour. Take out the mushrooms. Set aside the water. Place the mushrooms in a bowl of cold water. Stir the water with hand or chopsticks to shake off the sand from the mushrooms. Rinse the mushrooms and cut away part of the hard stalks.
- Rinse and soak the yam and mixed beans in water for 1-2 hour(s).
- Wash the carrot(s) and corn. Chop into round pieces. Soak the dried tangerine peel in water briefly and rinse.
- Bring to the boil 6 bowls of water, the water for soaking the mushrooms (remember to sieve out the sand) and all the ingredients on high heat. Reduce to medium-low heat and cook for 2 hours. Season with salt before serving.