
Veggie Labo

VEGGIE LABO 是充滿歡樂的菜食研所,日文「菜食」是素食的意思,我們希望把最好的食材mix & match出最美味最天然的菜食,讓大家對自己、對萬物、對地球多一點慈悲。為讓大家有更多認識健康菜食的機會,我們以自利利他為理念,致力在日本各縣精心挑選高品質菜食食材,希望人類與萬物和諧共存的同時,也能幸福健康地過好日。

隨着春寒漸褪,四月的暖意也開始隨風而至,滋養着大地萬物。今期Veggie Labo 為大家帶來一款富含豐富鐵質及鈣質的美味「常備菜」——大根乾絲煮物!




材料 (3-4人份):⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

有機大根乾絲   25克

甘筍(切絲)  半條

油揚(切絲)  一片

薑(切絲)  約3厘米一段

荷蘭豆  適量

昆布高湯   150毫升



醬油  1湯匙

味醂  1湯匙

甜菜糖  1茶匙



  1. 把大根乾絲沖一沖水,以白開水浸十分鐘,浸發完後,大根乾絲會發大三倍,浸完的水留下備用;
  2. 把荷蘭豆灼熟,切段;
  3. 以白鑊先烘乾已浸軟的大根乾絲,然後加適量的油、紅蘿蔔絲及薑絲一起爆香,再加入油揚(日本腐皮)絲略炒;
  4. 倒入昆布高湯及步驟1中用來浸大根乾絲的水(約100毫升),再加入調味料,拌勻後蓋上以慢火燉煮十五分鐘;
  5. 十五分鐘後可以試味,若不夠味,可以略加點醬油/糖調味。最後以大火煮至汁料收乾一點,最後加入切了段的荷蘭豆,便可上碟。


Simmered Dried Daikon Strips

Ingredients (serves 3-4):

25g organic dried daikon strips

1/2 carrot (shredded)

1 piece of abura-age (shredded)

A knob of approx. 3cm long ginger (shredded)

A handful of snow peas

150ml kombu dashi



1 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp mirin

1 tsp beet sugar



  1. Rinse the dried daikon strips. Soak in room temperature water for 10 minutes. After soaking, the dried daikon strips will expand 3 times. Keep the soaking water and set aside.
  2. Blanch the snow peas until done and shredded.
  3. In a frying pan, lightly broil the soaked dried daikon strips without oil. Then add a drizzle of oil. Stir fry the shredded carrot and ginger. Add the shredded abura-age (Japanese deep-fried tofu). Stir fry briefly.
  4. Pour in the kombu dashi and the water that used for soaking the dried daikon strips in step 1 (approx. 100ml). Add the seasonings. Give it a good mix. Cover with the lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. After 15 minutes, season with soy sauce or sugar to taste. Then turn to high heat and simmer until the sauce reduces. Toss in the shredded snow peas to finish up. Dish up and ready to serve.