佛手瓜 1-2個
胡蘿蔔 1-2條
玉米 1-2條
薏米 100克
香菇 8-10朵
黑豆 100克
腰果 10-15粒
Qi-tonifying and Blood-activating Five-Element Soup
Ingredients: (serves several)
1-2 chayote(s)
1-2 carrot(s)
1-2 ear(s) of corn
100g coix seeds
8-10 dried mushrooms
100g dried black beans
10-15 cashew
- 將黑豆用清水洗淨,浸泡十五分鐘,備用;
- 將香菇用清水洗淨,浸泡十五分鐘,備用;
- 將薏米用清水洗淨,備用;
- 將佛手瓜及胡蘿蔔洗淨,無須去皮,切成塊狀,備用;
- 將清水倒入湯鍋中,待水沸後,倒入所有食材,小火煲兩小時即可飲用(可根據自身喜好加鹽調味)。
- Rinse the black beans and soak in water for 15 minutes.
- Rinse the mushrooms and soak in water for 15 minutes.
- Rinse coix seeds and set aside.
- Wash the chayote(s) and carrot(s). Leave the peel on. Chop into pieces and set aside.
- Bring a pot of water to boil and add in all ingredients. Cook over low heat for two hours. Taste and season with a pinch of salt if needed. Ready to serve.