




材料 ︰
香蕉 3 隻
低筋麵粉 450 克
泡打粉 10 克
梳打粉 10 克
砂糖 300 克
水 300 毫升
白醋 2 湯匙
菜油 120 毫升

用具 ︰
3 寸蛋糕模具 14 個


  1. 先將低筋麵粉、泡打粉和梳打粉用粉篩過濾好。
  2. 把香蕉壓成茸,與砂糖拌勻。注入水和白醋,逐少加入步驟 1 之材料,拌勻成糊狀,最後加入菜油拌勻,倒進模具中至七分滿,放到焗盤上。
  3. 焗爐調至180 度,預熱 1 分鐘,放入焗盤,焗15至20分鐘,即成。

 温暖提示︰ 香蕉以熟透,皮帶有梅花點為佳。白醋作用在於讓蛋糕更鬆軟。


Strawberry Mousse

Ingredients :
3 pieces banana
450g cake flour
10g baking powder
10g baking soda
300g sugar
300ml water
2 tablespoons white vinegar
120ml vegetable oil

14 3-inch cake molds 


  1. Strain the cake flour, baking powder and baking soda

  2. Mash the banana and mix well with the sugar. Add in water and vinegar. Then add in the mixed flour of step 1. Mix well to become paste. Finally put in vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Pour into the molds up to only 70% full. Arrange the molds on the baking tray.

  3. Preheat the oven with 180°C for one minute. Put the tray into the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Tips: Use ripened banana for better result. Vinegar helps to make the cake spongy.