魚翅瓜 1個
紅蘿蔔 1條
粟米 1條
腰果 150克
核桃 150克
眉豆 適量
薏米 適量
紅豆 適量
花生 適量
清水 12碗
粗鹽 1茶匙
- 將魚翅瓜去皮去籽,切塊備用;
- 將紅蘿蔔去皮切片、粟米剝成顆粒狀備用;
- 將水煮沸後放入所有材料,大火煲半小時,之後轉中火煲一小時,熄火後放入粗鹽調味,即可享用。
Malabar Gourd Sweet Corn Soup
Ingredients (serves 4-6):
1 Malabar gourd
1 carrot
1 ear of sweet corn
150g cashew nuts
150 g walnuts
A handful of black-eyed beans
A handful of coix seeds
A handful of red beans
A handful of peanuts
12 bowls of water
1 tsp coarse salt
- Peel the Malabar gourd and remove the seeds. Chop into pieces. Set aside.
- Peel and slice the carrot. Remove the corn kernels from the cob.
- Bring the water to the boil. Add in all the ingredients. Let it bubble over high heat for half an hour. Reduce to medium heat and simmer for one more hour. Remove from heat. Season with salt and stir well. Ready to serve.