蘋果汁 500毫升
玉桂 1條
八角 2粒
丁香 2粒
蘋果 半個
檸檬 1片
- 將蘋果汁、玉桂、八角和丁香放入煲中,蓋上煲蓋,煮滾後離火,放半小時至入味。
- 蘋果去皮切片,加入煲中,再次加熱。
- 將蘋果汁倒入兩個杯中,每杯用半片檸檬裝飾,趁熱享用。飲用時可擠入檸檬汁。
Hot Spiced Apple Juice
Ingredients(serves 2):
500ml apple juice
1 cinnamon stick
2 pieces of star anise
2 pieces of clove
1/2 an apple
1 slice of lemon
1.Place the apple juice, cinnamon stick, star anise and clove in a cooking pot. Cover with lid and bring to the boil. Remove from heat. Set aside for 30 minutes to let the apple juice absorb the flavour of the spices.
2.Peel and thinly slice the apple. Add to the apple juice. Heat it up again.
3.Pour the apple juice into 2 glasses. Decorate each with half a slice of lemon. Serve hot. You may add a squeeze of lemon when serve.