馬蹄 6 粒
木耳 半杯
百合 1 顆
甘筍 半條
蘆筍 3 條
黑芝麻油 1 湯匙
喜瑪拉雅山鹽 半茶匙
豉油 1 茶匙
水 3 湯匙
Water Chestnut, Mu-er Fungus, Lily Bulb, Carrot and Asparagus Stir-Fry
6 water chestnuts
1/2 cup mu-er fungus
1 lily bulb
1/2 carrot
3 spears of asparagus
1 tbsp black sesame oil
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1 tsp soy sauce
3 tbsp water
- 木耳浸軟,去蒂切絲;把其餘食材洗淨,馬蹄去皮切成條狀;鮮百合逐瓣剝開;甘筍切絲、蘆筍去尾段少許切成段。
- 將喜瑪拉雅山鹽、豉油及水混合備用。
- 在平底鍋中,先倒入黑芝麻油、甘筍及木耳,隨後才開慢火加熱。
- 當感覺到鍋已達熱點,加熱至中火,依序放入調味料、馬蹄、百合、蘆筍,快炒兩分鐘即可食用。
Steps :
- Soak the mu-er fungus in water until soft, trim off the hard bits and shred. Wash the rest of the ingredients. Peel and shred the water chestnuts. Break up the lily bulb into cloves and separate them piece by piece. Cut the carrot into strips. Chop off the woody ends of the asparagus and cut into several segments.
- Stir the Himalayan salt and soy sauce into the water and set aside.
- Add the black sesame oil, carrot and mu-er fungus to a frying pan and simmer over low heat.
- When the frying pan is heated up, turn the heat up to medium. Add the seasoning mixture, water chestnuts, lily bulb and asparagus one by one and stir fry for 2 minutes. Ready to serve.