
Fion Lam
Steve Ng

今期由瑜伽導師Fion為我們示範幾個清新又簡單的夏日素菜, 這個以紅扁豆小米雜果仁做的飯,加了新鮮的菠蘿入饌,添了一抹天然的酸甜味道,吃多都不會覺膩,加上雜果仁的爽脆口感,高蛋白又富營養,這個夏天終於可以大口大口吃飯了!



細菠蘿 1個 
紅扁豆 1 杯
小米 1 杯
芝麻  2 茶匙
椰子油 3 茶匙
薑黃粉 1 茶匙
雜果仁 適量
鹽 適量 
喜愛的香草 適量


  1. 蘿切開(如圖示),挖起菠蘿肉並切粒,取½ 杯備用。
  2. 紅扁豆浸泡2小時。水滾落紅扁豆煮6分鐘,加小米一起煮多3分鐘,熄火焗5分鐘後,倒走餘下的水。
  3. 加入芝麻、椰子油、薑黃粉、雜果仁、菠蘿粒、鹽、香草攪勻,放入步驟1的菠蘿殼中即可享用。


Summer Pineapple Rice with Mixed Nuts

1 small pineapple
1 cup red lentils
1 cup millet
2 tsp sesame seeds
3 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp turmeric powder
A handful of mixed nuts
A pinch of salt
A small bunch of herbs


Steps :

  1. Cut the pineapple in half (as shown in photo), scoop out the pineapple flesh and cut into dices. Set aside 1/2 cup of the pineapple.
  2. Soak the red lentils in water for 2 hours. Cook the red lentils in boiling water for 6 minutes, then add in the millet to cook for 3 more minutes. Turn off the heat. Let the lentils and millet sit, covered, for 5 minutes. Drain away the water.
  3. Mix in the sesame seeds, coconut oil, turmeric powder, mixed nuts, pineapple dices, salt and herbs. Put the ingredients into the pineapple bowl from step 1 and serve.